English @ Colegio Montemar

The English Department weblog

Archive for August 2008

Reading Activities in Second Media

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During the second term in the school the II media was reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles, one of the adventures from Sherlock Holmes.

The following is the result of an interesting experiment in which we create a new way to tell the story using 3 techniques. The first one drawing sequences, like the first steps used by directors in movies, the second one stick-people characters, like little kids first drawings, and finally oral speaking, like radio-theatre stories.

Conclusions are very positive and encaurage us to continue working hard in new ways of learning English as a foreign language. We invite you to enjoy this presentation:

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Written by Manuel

August 28, 2008 at 11:41 am

Posted in Reading

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A study reveals that Chile has geothermic energetic potential

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“Contribution of potential non-conventional renewable energy (NCRE) and energy efficiency to the electrical matrix 2008-2025”, and is entitled research done by Univerdidad de Chile and Tecnica Federico Santa María, where it confirms the existence of a large geothermal potential in the country .

The geothermic energy is the energy extracted from the heat of the centre of the Earth. This is a renewable energy, which means that its source never ends, and that energy also does less damage to the atmosphere. Chile has a lot of volcanic activity; near 115 possible places for extracting energy. For that reason it’s a very good place to develop that energy and then use it for our benefit.

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Written by Manuel

August 26, 2008 at 12:09 am

Posted in News

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