English @ Colegio Montemar

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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Performers Educational Plays

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Written by Manuel

June 24, 2008 at 1:57 pm

Something is starting….

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The English Department at Colegio Montemar has just received a mysterious letter. It is said that this document was written by King Arthur and was fully delivered yesterday (June 18th) to a selected group of students from the school.

An abstract from the letter is presented here:

Honourable Sir Austin de Preuss,
I must be brief. The situation is critical. The enemy
is trying to destroy the language of our ancestors.
I have summon all the most brave and loyal knights
of the Kingdom to organize the defence of our idiom.
The gathering will be held at the round table next to
the chapel of Mountsea, this Thursday, after the
first two hours of battle.
The King conjures you to keep this secret and to
come alone. I trust in you

Can you help us to resolve the mystery? If you want please download it to your computer by clicking in the link bellow.


Written by Manuel

June 19, 2008 at 2:12 pm

Asperger Syndrome

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As you may Know in our school there is a very special boy Juan Ignacio Ruiz, who has the Asperger Syndrome. But he is not only special because of his condition, but also loved by the entire community inside the school. That’s why our department starts looking for some useful strategies in order to facilitate teaching and also the comprehension of our students. So we invite you to read this interesting article and then focus your attention on the “Teaching strategies” section:


And after reading, please take a look on the following links:









KJP’s Asperger’s Syndrome Website


Written by Manuel

March 23, 2008 at 6:46 pm