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Present continuous

Past Simple 12

Present Perfect 12

Comparative adjectives

Written by Manuel

April 29, 2010 at 10:15 am

Posted in Workshop

English Workshop "Stories"

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It was on Saturday, the 31st of October. There was a terrible storm. It was raining cats and dogs with a very hard wind. The multicolour lightnings were almost falling on our heads.

Battle for Nicktoons City

(Hugo Botto, Ignacio Le Dantec and Francisco Novoa, 4th Grade)

It was on Saturday, the 31st of October. There was a terrible storm. It was raining cats and dogs with a very hard wind. The multicolour lightnings were almost falling on our heads…

The nicktoons enemies (they are: Croker, Plankton, Vald and Calamituer) were making a plan to destroy the nicktoons and Nicktoon City. If the city was destroyed all nicktoons would disappear forvever.

The nicktoons heroes (they are: Timmy, Sponge Bob, Square Pants, Danny and Jimmy) knew that the nicktoons enemies were making a plan to destroy Nicktoon City…

(To be continued).

Suddenly the enemies came riding dinosaurs to surprise the heroes. They burned all they could see; but the heroes were prepared, they were riding aliens space-ships that had all types of weapons of battle. So when the enemies saw the nicktoons heroes they tried to escape but they couldn’t because the heroes surrounded them.

So they started to fight and Crocker said:

– No, Timmy, I am your teacher!

And Timmy said:

– Nooo!

And then “El Tigre” said:

– Stop this battle! … I need to go to the bathroom.

And Crocker answered:

– Euuh… It’s over there.

Suddenly when “El Tigre” came back. Some cheerleaders appeared and shouted:

– Go nicktoons! Go nicktoons! Go so! … Give me an “N”!

– N!

– Give me an “I”!

– I!

– Give me a “C”!

– C!

– Give a “K”!

– K!

– Give a dubble “O”!

– OO!

– Give me an “N”!

– N!

– Give me an “S”!

– S!

– What does it say?

– Nicktoons!

– I can’t here you!

– Nicktoons!!

– Louder!


– 3 times!


(To be continued)

Suddenly, Spongebob Squarepants attacked Plankton with super bubble bowling. Timmy wished for dinosaurs that kick their butts. One of the dinosaurs ate Plankton and Plankton entered it’s stomach and saw some cars, buildings, including the London Bridge. The dinosaur burped, the enemies vanished and they lived happily ever after.

The end


(Javier Carvallo, 6th Grade, and Duncan Pugh, 4th Grade)

It was on Saturday, the 31st of October. There was a terrible storm. It was raining cats and dogs with a very hard wind. The multicolour lightnings were almost falling on our heads. There were 20 feet waves in Japan. People were running as fast as they could…

Four days later the storm was finished. All was destroyed in Japan. A little kid named Tashiro was lost in a building looking for his parents. Everyone ran away and Tashiro was completely alone. Suddenly, the building started to burn. The boy thought that he was going to die: he was surrounded by flames and he couldn’t breath…

(To be continued).

He ran into a closet to breath. Then suddenly a firefighter came and rescued

him. They escaped from the building as far as they could. The firefighter lost his life trying to save Tashiro. Now the boy had no hope. But a helicopter appeared and saved him. They took him to the captain of the firefighters. He didn’t recognize that Tasiro was his nephew, beacuse his face was dirty. The captain ordered to clean his face, but even with his face cleaned he could’t recgnize him because the last time he saw him Tashiro was a baby.

They took him to the Police Station, that was a little destroyed. Tashiro put his finger foot in a machine and the machine showed his identity card.

(To be continued)

It said that he was Tashiro Shi Jan.

The captain remembered the name and hugged Tashiro. He was his nephew! The captain was very happy and he was so, so happy that he started to cry.

Time later, the godmother went to the captain’s house. She wanted to talk to the captain about money. She said:

– Tashiro, can you give us some drinks?.

– Yes, I can. – said Tashiro.

Then, when Tashiro came back with the drinks, he found a letter that said his godfather was kidnapped. His godmother didn’t know that his godfather trained him to kill and he was in the Army. He called all his friends from the army but only one of them answered him: it was Shinh Hee.

They went to the godmother’s house and they killed her, putting a bomb in her mansion. She exploded in blood. But before that, they rescued the godfather and lived happy for ever.

The end

The Adventure at Sqabla Planet

(By Kenneth Pugh, 6th Grade)

It was on Saturday, the 31st of October. There was a terrible storm. It was raining cats and dogs with a very hard wind. “The multicolour lightnings were almost falling on our heads”, said Ron and his friend Molly in Sqabla planet. They were going to their friend Ryan’s house, but when they got there they found aout that the super villians’ Princess Squiba and Mr. Boxer, who were very bad, had kidnapped their friend Ryan.

They decided to save him, so they hopped into their purple and blue jet and went to the supervillian’s planet which was called “Suppy”. They went to the supervillian’s house but when theyn got there they found out that Ryan had died, so they decided to go back in time when he was alive. Then they put on a huge tramp in their house and they called the Police and the villians went to jail, while Ryan, Molly and Ron were at the mall.

The end

Written by Manuel

September 25, 2008 at 11:04 pm

Posted in Workshop