English @ Colegio Montemar

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English Workshop "Stories"

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It was on Saturday, the 31st of October. There was a terrible storm. It was raining cats and dogs with a very hard wind. The multicolour lightnings were almost falling on our heads.

Battle for Nicktoons City

(Hugo Botto, Ignacio Le Dantec and Francisco Novoa, 4th Grade)

It was on Saturday, the 31st of October. There was a terrible storm. It was raining cats and dogs with a very hard wind. The multicolour lightnings were almost falling on our heads…

The nicktoons enemies (they are: Croker, Plankton, Vald and Calamituer) were making a plan to destroy the nicktoons and Nicktoon City. If the city was destroyed all nicktoons would disappear forvever.

The nicktoons heroes (they are: Timmy, Sponge Bob, Square Pants, Danny and Jimmy) knew that the nicktoons enemies were making a plan to destroy Nicktoon City…

(To be continued).

Suddenly the enemies came riding dinosaurs to surprise the heroes. They burned all they could see; but the heroes were prepared, they were riding aliens space-ships that had all types of weapons of battle. So when the enemies saw the nicktoons heroes they tried to escape but they couldn’t because the heroes surrounded them.

So they started to fight and Crocker said:

– No, Timmy, I am your teacher!

And Timmy said:

– Nooo!

And then “El Tigre” said:

– Stop this battle! … I need to go to the bathroom.

And Crocker answered:

– Euuh… It’s over there.

Suddenly when “El Tigre” came back. Some cheerleaders appeared and shouted:

– Go nicktoons! Go nicktoons! Go so! … Give me an “N”!

– N!

– Give me an “I”!

– I!

– Give me a “C”!

– C!

– Give a “K”!

– K!

– Give a dubble “O”!

– OO!

– Give me an “N”!

– N!

– Give me an “S”!

– S!

– What does it say?

– Nicktoons!

– I can’t here you!

– Nicktoons!!

– Louder!


– 3 times!


(To be continued)

Suddenly, Spongebob Squarepants attacked Plankton with super bubble bowling. Timmy wished for dinosaurs that kick their butts. One of the dinosaurs ate Plankton and Plankton entered it’s stomach and saw some cars, buildings, including the London Bridge. The dinosaur burped, the enemies vanished and they lived happily ever after.

The end


(Javier Carvallo, 6th Grade, and Duncan Pugh, 4th Grade)

It was on Saturday, the 31st of October. There was a terrible storm. It was raining cats and dogs with a very hard wind. The multicolour lightnings were almost falling on our heads. There were 20 feet waves in Japan. People were running as fast as they could…

Four days later the storm was finished. All was destroyed in Japan. A little kid named Tashiro was lost in a building looking for his parents. Everyone ran away and Tashiro was completely alone. Suddenly, the building started to burn. The boy thought that he was going to die: he was surrounded by flames and he couldn’t breath…

(To be continued).

He ran into a closet to breath. Then suddenly a firefighter came and rescued

him. They escaped from the building as far as they could. The firefighter lost his life trying to save Tashiro. Now the boy had no hope. But a helicopter appeared and saved him. They took him to the captain of the firefighters. He didn’t recognize that Tasiro was his nephew, beacuse his face was dirty. The captain ordered to clean his face, but even with his face cleaned he could’t recgnize him because the last time he saw him Tashiro was a baby.

They took him to the Police Station, that was a little destroyed. Tashiro put his finger foot in a machine and the machine showed his identity card.

(To be continued)

It said that he was Tashiro Shi Jan.

The captain remembered the name and hugged Tashiro. He was his nephew! The captain was very happy and he was so, so happy that he started to cry.

Time later, the godmother went to the captain’s house. She wanted to talk to the captain about money. She said:

– Tashiro, can you give us some drinks?.

– Yes, I can. – said Tashiro.

Then, when Tashiro came back with the drinks, he found a letter that said his godfather was kidnapped. His godmother didn’t know that his godfather trained him to kill and he was in the Army. He called all his friends from the army but only one of them answered him: it was Shinh Hee.

They went to the godmother’s house and they killed her, putting a bomb in her mansion. She exploded in blood. But before that, they rescued the godfather and lived happy for ever.

The end

The Adventure at Sqabla Planet

(By Kenneth Pugh, 6th Grade)

It was on Saturday, the 31st of October. There was a terrible storm. It was raining cats and dogs with a very hard wind. “The multicolour lightnings were almost falling on our heads”, said Ron and his friend Molly in Sqabla planet. They were going to their friend Ryan’s house, but when they got there they found aout that the super villians’ Princess Squiba and Mr. Boxer, who were very bad, had kidnapped their friend Ryan.

They decided to save him, so they hopped into their purple and blue jet and went to the supervillian’s planet which was called “Suppy”. They went to the supervillian’s house but when theyn got there they found out that Ryan had died, so they decided to go back in time when he was alive. Then they put on a huge tramp in their house and they called the Police and the villians went to jail, while Ryan, Molly and Ron were at the mall.

The end

Written by Manuel

September 25, 2008 at 11:04 pm

Posted in Workshop

Reading Activities in Second Media

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During the second term in the school the II media was reading Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles, one of the adventures from Sherlock Holmes.

The following is the result of an interesting experiment in which we create a new way to tell the story using 3 techniques. The first one drawing sequences, like the first steps used by directors in movies, the second one stick-people characters, like little kids first drawings, and finally oral speaking, like radio-theatre stories.

Conclusions are very positive and encaurage us to continue working hard in new ways of learning English as a foreign language. We invite you to enjoy this presentation:

[clearspring_widget title=”Widget” wid=”489ac6a52e1be2a8″ pid=”48b6c7416c53409f” width=”450″ height=”410″ domain=”widgets.clearspring.com”]

Written by Manuel

August 28, 2008 at 11:41 am

Posted in Reading

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A study reveals that Chile has geothermic energetic potential

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“Contribution of potential non-conventional renewable energy (NCRE) and energy efficiency to the electrical matrix 2008-2025”, and is entitled research done by Univerdidad de Chile and Tecnica Federico Santa María, where it confirms the existence of a large geothermal potential in the country .

The geothermic energy is the energy extracted from the heat of the centre of the Earth. This is a renewable energy, which means that its source never ends, and that energy also does less damage to the atmosphere. Chile has a lot of volcanic activity; near 115 possible places for extracting energy. For that reason it’s a very good place to develop that energy and then use it for our benefit.

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Written by Manuel

August 26, 2008 at 12:09 am

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The Performers Educational Plays

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Written by Manuel

June 24, 2008 at 1:57 pm

Something is starting….

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The English Department at Colegio Montemar has just received a mysterious letter. It is said that this document was written by King Arthur and was fully delivered yesterday (June 18th) to a selected group of students from the school.

An abstract from the letter is presented here:

Honourable Sir Austin de Preuss,
I must be brief. The situation is critical. The enemy
is trying to destroy the language of our ancestors.
I have summon all the most brave and loyal knights
of the Kingdom to organize the defence of our idiom.
The gathering will be held at the round table next to
the chapel of Mountsea, this Thursday, after the
first two hours of battle.
The King conjures you to keep this secret and to
come alone. I trust in you

Can you help us to resolve the mystery? If you want please download it to your computer by clicking in the link bellow.


Written by Manuel

June 19, 2008 at 2:12 pm

Writing a Book Report

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Book reports can take on many different forms. Three types of effective book reports are plot summaries, character analyses, and theme analyses. Writing a book report helps you practice giving your opinion about different aspects of a book, such as the author’s use of description or dialogue. No matter what type of book report you decide to write, however, there are a few basic elements you need to include in order to convey why the book you read was interesting. Always include the following elements in any book report:

  • the type of book report you are writing
  • the title of the book
  • the author of the book
  • the time when the story takes place
  • the location where the story takes place
  • the names and a brief description of each of the characters you will be discussing
  • many quotations and examples from the book to support your opinions

A Plot Summary
When you are writing a plot summary for your book report you don’t want to simply retell the story. You need to explain what your opinion is of the story and why you feel the plot is so compelling, or unrealistic, or sappy. It is the way you analyze the plot that will make this a good report. Make sure that you use plenty of examples from the book to support your opinions. Try starting the report with a sentence similar to the following:

The plot of I Married a Sea Captain, by Monica Hubbard, is interesting because it gives the reader a realistic sense of what it was like to be the wife of a whaling captain and live on Nantucket during the 19th century.

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Written by Manuel

March 26, 2008 at 5:16 pm

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Asperger Syndrome

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As you may Know in our school there is a very special boy Juan Ignacio Ruiz, who has the Asperger Syndrome. But he is not only special because of his condition, but also loved by the entire community inside the school. That’s why our department starts looking for some useful strategies in order to facilitate teaching and also the comprehension of our students. So we invite you to read this interesting article and then focus your attention on the “Teaching strategies” section:


And after reading, please take a look on the following links:









KJP’s Asperger’s Syndrome Website


Written by Manuel

March 23, 2008 at 6:46 pm

English Comics Winner

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José Tomás Marticorena from 4th grade made this splendid comic about “The Mummy”.

*This is just the first page.


Written by Manuel

October 26, 2007 at 2:19 am

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English Essays Winners – 1st Place

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Vicente Elorrieta wrote this essay about Harry Potter:

“Harry Potter and the Half- Blood Prince” Review


Author: J. K. Rowling


Publication Information: First published in Great Britain in 2005 by Bloomsbury Publishing, 607 pages. Fictional story


Harry Potter is a serial of seven books that tell the story of a young studying wizard, who attends Hogwarts School of Wizardry. He also has to face the dangers and challenges that magic leaves for him. His parents were murdered by a dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, who disappeared mysteriously after he tried to kill Harry, but now he is back in action, and he is doing everything he can to kill him.


These books were written by Joanne Kathleen Rowling, who was born on July 31st of 1965 (which, by the way, is also the date of Harry’s birthday). Each one of these books is about Harry’s studies, from his first year at Hogwarts, to the seventh. The first book, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” was first published in 1997. The following books in readings order are: “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”, “Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix”, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”, and the last one is “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”. As this was the last book of the saga, the author made a real effort creating a lot of expectation before it was first published. It was a great strategy, because there were sold more than 360 millions of copies around the world.


The book I am commenting about is the sixth. “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”, because it is the one that will help you to remember the story to fully enjoy the seventh book.


The main subject of the book is the preparation for the upcoming war against dark magic, because, as Voldemort is back in public, he is killing innocent people. This war is not going well, in fact, everyone is too scared to fight against Voldemort, and the only people willing to do that are as mane as the ones that would offer themselves to clean the bathrooms of a school (even though they are not the worse you can see, yes, believe it). In addition, Wizards are reading the obituary everyday to find out if anyone they know has been murdered. Even the muggle governments are noticing the disasters that Voldemort is leaving behind as a trace of his movements (“muggles” are human people, who are not able to perform magic, for instance, they are not wizards).

In this book Harry will search for the full and complex story of the boy who became Lord Voldemort, and thereby find out what may be his vulnerabilities. Although Voldemort doesn’t appear in the story, his followers gain importance in the story, and we get to know a lot about his past. In short, in this book we get to see how Harry finally becomes a man, after everything he has to face.


This story is definitely bloodier than the previous ones, which gives it the perfect taste of a more mature novel, but it also makes it harder for young children to read it without getting a little scared and amazed, but at the same time, Rowling keeps her good humor, which is one of the best things of the book.


In my opinion, it is like a long introduction for book seven, because in the last pages you get a lot of doubts, which are only going to be answered in the next book. Moreover, I reckon that it is very interesting and entertaining, because J. K. Rowling has a wonderful way of writing, and this book always gets you more and more interested and excited as it moves forward. When you read the book, at some points, you can feel your heart beating very fast and feel as your eyes grow bigger and bigger with the suspense. Even if your English is not as good as you would want it to be, this book is very easy to understand, and you can deduce many things just by the context.


This book contains great values, such as perseverance and love; and when you mix them you get to your goal, you always succeed. This is clear in every action that takes place in the book, like when Harry succeeds in performing an apparition charm, which he had never nor used before, and which it is only used by strong and advanced wizards, but Harry does this spell to save someone he loves. On the other hand, evil always loses because it is focused on hate, egoism and envy.


I really don’t want to write more about the story, because everything is so important that I would be spoiling it before you read it, and “no one wants to know the end of the film before watching it”. I fully recommend this book if you want to have a really nice time!

 *Click here to get this essay on PDF format:


Written by Manuel

October 19, 2007 at 3:50 am

Posted in Essays

English Essays Winners – 2nd Place

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Jose Antonio Ibarra wrote this essay about The Lord Of the Rings:


The Lord of the Rings


The Lord of the Rings is one of the best books in the World. In the lord of the rings, there is a huge world, in which there are a lot of characters. There is a lot of races; elves humans, dwarfs, dragons, wizards, etc. and they live in different countries. Some of them live in the woodland and in some islands.


First, I am going to tell the story: the story begins with the creation of a powerful ring, and how the ring begins to master the entire world. Here begins the principal theme of the book: the power. In the entire story, there is a fight to control the power of the world, called Middle Earth. The ambition of mastering the world creates the rings, this ambition starts a lot of wars, and the ambition of more power gives life to the story. All the books (3) narrate the war of the ring, a big war full of hate, ambition, treason and death. But in this world of hate, there is a last hope to save it: Frodo Baggins. In the book J. R. R. Tolkien narrates the story of Frodo, a young hobbit who found the powerful ring, but he discovered that he must destroy it.


            In the book we can find a lot of characters, like Frodo, Gandalf, Sauron, Aragorn, etc. and each one of them have their own story. I think this is one of the reasons of the success of the book. So, this is a very big story, because it doesn’t narrate only one event, but the lives of a lot of people; their customs, the countries where their live, the war among them, their heroes, the characteristics of the people, and also, the author invented a language that thee people use.


The lord of the rings has had a profound impact on popular culture, from its publication in the 1950s, but especially throughout the 1960s and the 1970s, where young people began to read it. The principal reason is the new concept of honor and heroism, which were lost, a lot of years after the world war. People needed a story like that; they needed something to distract themselves. It is necessary to remember that the book was written during the World War I, in which J.R.R Tolkien fought. It was the principal influence to the author to write the book. And if we compare the story with the development of the war, they have a lot in common. The ideas of heroism, power, honor, etc. were taken from the adventures that the author lived during the war. Also, some of the characters were real friends or enemies of Tolkien. So, I can say that the story is very bound with the real world, and with the universal history.


The book has millions of fans throughout the world; millions of people read the adventures of Frodo and enter into a huge new world, full of heroes and adventures. In my opinion, the book has this success, because is a book for all ages, all the people, and his characters represent to all of us.


In 2001 Peter Jackson filmed a movie about the book. The three books were filmed as one, but divided in three parts. The one that started the saga was “The Lord of the Rings-The fellowship of the ring” in 2001, “The two towers” in 2002 and “The return of the king” in 2003, this one was the best movie of the years.


Finally, I think that the book is one of the best stories in the world, because the author created a very big new world, in which we can enter and discover a lot of adventures.

* Click here to get this essay on PDF format:


Written by Manuel

October 19, 2007 at 3:47 am

Posted in Essays