English @ Colegio Montemar

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English Essays Winners – 3rd Place

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Sebastian Vieytes from II media wrote the following essay and got the third place.

The Little Prince

Theme: “The loss of the childhood in Little Prince, and other values”

This book is about a pilot who crashes his plane in the dessert and meets a kid dressed as a Prince. This symbolizes the trip of an adult to the world of his childhood and how, thanks to the Little Prince, he understands that he’s been losing his kid world, which doesn’t have feelings or imagination.

The Little Prince shows us important values, for example, when he meets the fox, he talks about the importance of friendship; the important thing is to create and keep links and trust in someone.

He also talks about love; especially when the Little Prince is taking care of hi flower. He is responsible of taking care of dangers and giving it water; he also mentions the flower’s fragility and how we wanted to give it all it needed. Thanks to this, we can compare the flower with a woman.

The character that represents death is the snake.

We can also see, when Little Prince leaves the desert, that the pilot realizes that he is already an adult, and he can’t go back to recover his childhood.

The Little Prince adventures through the other planets, allow us to understand the first steps of the adult world: The man is fascinated with numbers, he becomes obsessed with jib and he is worried about himself.

In conclusion I can say that this book gives us a beautiful show of what life really is, and it defends innocence, the simplicity of kids and the capacity of being surprised by the simple things in life.

*Click here to download the essay on a PDF format:


Written by Manuel

October 19, 2007 at 3:30 am

Posted in Essays

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